
Monat: Juli, 2015

Wider die Informationsflut

Wer will, kann sich heute in sozialen Netzwerken systematisch mit allen möglichen Informationshäppchen zuschütten lassen, die ihn im Grunde nichts angehen, vielleicht aber seinen hohnlachenden Spott provozieren, oder zumindest sein ehrliches Interesse wecken. Dabei kommt das Problem auf, dass Unvoreingenommene aus den unterschiedlichsten ideologischen Gründen einseitig angegangen werden können und – begünstigt durch Algorithmen – fortan auch nur Einseitiges aus ihrem ideologischen Lager zur Kenntnis nehmen und damit unterfüttert werden. So wird im schlimmsten Fall bei einigen nach Jahren der einseitigen Konditionierung und Fokussierung durch ihre filter bubble wohl mit dem vollständigen Verlust der eigenständigen Urteilskraft zu rechnen sein, wodurch diese eigenschaftslosen Kopien durch ihre alternativlosen Lebensumstände endlich in einer Weise geformt werden könnten, dass sie sich so verhalten, wie es ihr Lager von ihnen immer schon gewünscht und erwartet hat: Agitatorisch-konsumistisch.

Garantierte Expektorationen (XXVI)

[1] Wer schreibt, was er denkt, wird oft geringgeschätzt, weil die meisten Menschen nur das lesen wollen, was alle zu denken haben.

[2] Es gibt wohl nichts Praktischeres, als eine gute Verschwörungstheorie!

[3] Wertmaßstäbe können auch Entsetzen auslösen.

[4] Philosophen haben leider immer nur unsterbliche Ideen anzubieten, die kaum jemand auch nur eines Blickes würdigen will, weil jeder weiß, dass sie sich nur unter Wert verkaufen lassen, in ökonomischer Hinsicht also wertlos sind.

[5] Wer denkt denn schon noch einfach so vor sich hin?

[6] Denkerleben lässt sich nicht in Sätzen festmachen.

[7] Viele glauben, nur das Alte zu sehen und werden darum dummerweise neugierig.

[8] Es wird fast immer nur auf das Wissen Wert gelegt, das man wissen soll.
Was man wirklich weiß, findet kaum jemals Anerkennung.

[9] Da sie nicht wissen, wie sie ihr Leben zubringen sollen, konsumieren sie, stopfen sich also solange mit Wohlstandsmüll voll, bis sie endlich keine Ahnung mehr von sich haben.

[10] Solange du Gehaltvolles von dir gibst, werden die meisten dich für einen unverbesserlichen Langweiler halten und ihr Vergnügen lieber anderswo suchen.

Ein neuer Facebook-Freund aus Gambia?

[M. S.:] Hello there!
How are you doing nice to meet you here as well so many thanks for being my friend hope if you don’t mind we can be friends
I am from the Gambia western part of West Africa
[E.:] Ok, nice
[M. S.:] You are much welcome all the time always much love and respect to you
Where are you from?
[E.:] Germany
[M. S.:] That’s great fine love to hear that
For I am from the Gambia western part of West Africa but I am living in a place called Brikama
Have you ever been to Africa before
[E.:] No, not yet
[M. S.:] Oh I see that’s good
So how is the weather over there?
[E.:] Very hot. Like in Africa
[M. S.:] That’s great
Here it’s sunny warm weather
And what do you do as for living?
[E.:] What was the reason for you to question me for facebook-friendship?
[M. S.:] I am here for looking a good and honest best friend so that we can get to know more about each other maybe more later in the future as well indeed
[E.:] You should know that I’m not interested in partnership or sending money. Is that ok for you?
[M. S.:] I am not here for seeking money or something else
hematite come first in life before anything else
[E.:] Ok, that’s good.
[M. S.:] But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—
So what did you do as for your living?
[E.:] I lived.
[M. S.:] What did you do as for your work?
[E.:] I worked.
[M. S.:] What kind of work?
[E.:] Different things, at the moment I’m author.
[M. S.:] That sounds great
How old are you?
[E.:] 25
[M. S.:] Good nice
You are just a brother to me if you don’t mind
For me I am living with my old grandma and my siblings
I have lost both of my parents some years ago
[E.:] Oh, that’s hard!
[M. S.:] For real since I lost my parents things are not been easy for us here no one care for us here
I was in school before but since I lost my parents I am dropout from school
[E.:] What are you doing at the moment?
[M. S.:] well bro i only use to go to the bush and fetch find there a firewood to come and sell it and the little money i got i use to buy food to eat with my siblings ,but for now here we are having a corrupted government and bad leaders who dont care for we the poors now they dont use to allow us to cut the trees thats why they allow us to go to the bush
[E.:] How can you afford a mobile phone then?
[M. S.:] I use to be cleaning the Internet cafe and then the owner of the Internet use to give me a free time to browse when I clean the Internet
This is how I get on the Internet
[E.:] I understood. Well, how do you imagine your near future?
[M. S.:] Here we don’t have any free education school that’s why and my grandma she is very old for now she can’t even work well she is not doing anything nothing at all
As you know that education is the key to success in life
And in the Gambia here if you don’t finish complete your schooling education you won’t have any work or job for your own future that is the big problem
[E.:] Well, you can write in English and use Facebook. Maybe it is possible for you to earn money with the internet
[M. S.:] I don’t understand much think on the Internet
[E.:] Or maybe you can earn a bit money as a preacher?
[M. S.:] Well brother I only left two years for now to finish complete my education schooling
So I will be very grateful happy when you open your warm heart for me and help me to go back to school please
[E.:] Aha, you want money! I knew it
[M. S.:] It’s not my wish to tell you this due to my condition that’s why
I really feel ashamed even to tell you this due to my condition that’s why I am asking you to help me
And remember that goodness always come from the clean heart
It’s only the lord who can reward you back for your kindness
[E.:] Well, I don’t know you and I’m not sure whether you are a betrayer, therefore I will not send you any money.
[M. S.:] I am honest to you Brother
I will send you all the proof of it
Helping me to go back to school it will not cost you much if you don’t mind I can tell you how much you
If you don’t mind I can give you the school email address
[E.:] Please remember what you wrote me one hour ago: „I am not here for seeking money or something else“
[M. S.:] I understand that
Everything is from the clean heart
Goodness always come from the heart
[E.:] You’re trying to manipulate me
[M. S.:] It’s only the lord who can reward you back for your kindness
[E.:] I don’t believe in a lord.
[M. S.:] Please don’t let me down
I really feel ashamed when I saw my follow friends going to school
[E.:] Well, ask your teachers and friends for their mercy. If you really want to go to school, there will be a way for you. Believe in your lord.
[M. S.:] No I most pay for the school fees
If you don’t mind I can tell you how much it cost
[E.:] I’m sorry, guy. I mistrust you
[M. S.:] Why?
[E.:] Because you lied to me. Your lord will punish you for this.
[M. S.:] What did I tell you what is lie?
[E.:] That you don’t want money
[M. S.:] Due to my condition that’s why I am asking you to help me to go back to school
[E.:] Please try to rip off others.